Here are the character tropes of the spin-off series, Demon Hunter Goku: A Dragon Ball Alternate Story.
WARNING: Spoilers and Strong profanity incoming, read in your own risk.
Main Characters[]
In General[]
- Action Duo:
- Battle Couple:
- Big Damn Heroes:
- Childhood Friends:
- Color-Coded Characters:
- Goku: Red
- Vegeta: Dark Blue
- Chi-Chi: Yellow
- Raditz: Purple
- Four-Temperament Ensemble:
- Melancholic: Son Goku
- Choleric: Vegeta
- Sanguine: Chi-Chi
- Phlegmatic: Raditz
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Vegeta and Chi-Chi are the Red to Goku and Raditz’s Blue.
Son Goku / Kakarot I[]
The anti-heroic main protagonist of the spin-off series. The mortal incarnation of the Ancient Dark Gryphon, Eligos, the descendant of Kakarot, and the indirect descendant of Vegeta I, Leganon, Narmis, and Prika. The third son of renowned demon hunter Bardock and scientist Gine, younger brother of Turles, Raditz and Kumara, older brother of Ruta and Tursa and the childhood friend of Vegeta and Chi-Chi (who later becomes his wife). Born as Kakarot I, Goku is a highly experienced demon hunter and a martial artist who joined Demon Hunter Organization at the age of twenty four after his biological grandfather Dill died at the hands of the demons. After Grandpa Gohan died at the hands of Cooler and getting scarred on his right eye by a demon month later, Goku has deep hatred towards demons and he trained extremely harder between his martial arts skills and his swordsmanship abilities that cause his two deity partners come to his aide: the death god Shinigami and the thunder god Raijin. He starts out from an aspired trained demon hunter, to highly experienced demon hunter before the series begins as he is the Hero with dark personality. He also had his right eye scarred and changed from black to dark red due to a demon attack against him in front of Chi-Chi, causing his right eye to glow red.
Voiced by: Toshiyuki Morikawa (Japanese; Adulthood), Masako Nozawa (Japanese; Childhood), Sean Schemmel (English; Adulthood), Colleen Clinkenbeard (English; Childhood)
- Ability Mixing:
- The Ace:
- Action Dad:
- Action Hero:
- Adaptational Badass:
- Adaptational Nice Guy:
- Adaptational Seriousness:
- Affectionate Nickname: Chi-Chi calls him “Carrot”. As notably shown, only he let her calling him by this nickname. He doesn’t take this kindly with anyone other than Chi-Chi calling him that.
- All-Loving Hero: Downplayed. He was kind and compassionate in his morality who only forgive any villains who decided to take a different path (this includes Kuriza and Zarbon), but he still has deep-seated hatred towards demons (notably Cooler) and he is not above to kill any stronger demons who are considered his main target until his mission is completed.
- Aloof Big Brother:
- Always Lawful Good:
- Always Someone Better:
- Amplifier Artifact:
- Ancestral Name:
- And I Must Scream:
- Anti-Hero:
- The Anti-Nihilist:
- Anti-Villain:
- Armor-Piercing Question:
- Awesome, but Impractical:
- Awesomeness by Analysis:
- Bad Powers, Good People:
- Badass Biker:
- Badass Boast:
- Badass Family:
- Badass Finger Snap:
- Badass in a Nice Suit:
- Badass in Distress:
- Badass Longcoat:
- Balance Between Good and Evil:
- Baritone of Strength:
- Battle Strip:
- Berserk Button: Goku has many things that sets him off from the following:
- Played For Laughs:
- Goku will go insanely BATSHIT if anyone interrupted his sleep that cause him to beat you up in a bloody pulp.
- To a less and serious extent, he will not take this very kindly to anyone else rather than Chi-Chi calling him “carrot”.
- Do not call him “monkey”. Off-hand mentions of his race and this may result to his really violent reactions and will outburst.
- Do not nag at him; he will react explosively and furiously berate you for that. Chi-Chi learned it the hard way when she saw his reaction.
- Even worse, calling him any insult he does not want is a sure-fire way to get electrocuted or berated in an angrier way.
- Goku: “What the hell did you say?!”
- Also, don’t even try to steal or touch his motorcycle unless if your name is either Raditz or Chi-Chi.
- Goku: “What the shit are you doing with my motorcycle, asshole?!”
- Played For Drama:
- To an extreme and serious extent, hurting innocent people, this includes Chi-Chi and children was his usual casus belli, but since he is a Saiyan with Dark Gryphon DNA, anything that are very hurtful towards innocent people, includes Chi-Chi is also a good way to get yourself either No-Holds-Barred Beatdown, Cruel and Unusual Death or Fate Worse than Death.
- Truth-wise, hurting Chi-Chi severely when Goku was around pushed him over the edge that leads to his unstoppable rage transformation into Dark Gryphon and will end you in an extreme painful way.
- Do not mention Cooler’s name in front of him. He’ll become extremely violent upon hearing Cooler’s name and will end your life in the most painful way possible.
- Goku hates injustice and cruelty. Bringing up his painful past (this includes the massacre of Frypan City) is a sure-fire way to get electrocuted. You can question Cooler or even Frieza for that…
- To an extreme and serious extent, hurting innocent people, this includes Chi-Chi and children was his usual casus belli, but since he is a Saiyan with Dark Gryphon DNA, anything that are very hurtful towards innocent people, includes Chi-Chi is also a good way to get yourself either No-Holds-Barred Beatdown, Cruel and Unusual Death or Fate Worse than Death.
- Played For Laughs:
- The Berserker:
- Berserker Tears:
- Beware the Nice Ones:
- Beware the Quiet Ones:
- Big Brotherly Instinct:
- Big Good:
- Blessed with Suck:
- Blind Weaponmaster:
- Blindfolded Vision:
- Blood Knight:
- Bolt of Divine Retribution:
- Breakout Character:
- Broken Bird:
- Broken Pedestal:
- Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl:
- Brutal Honesty:
- Bullying a Dragon:
- Byronic Hero:
- Celibate Hero:
- Character Catchphrase:
- Character Development:
- Chick Magnet:
- The Chosen One:
- Clothing Damage:
- The Coats Are Off:
- The Comically Serious:
- Contrasting Sequel Main Character: Both Goku from Demon Hunter Goku: A Dragon Ball Alternate Story and Goku from Dragon Ball are the main protagonists of the series respectively who are cheerful and carefree (which Goku from Demon Hunter Goku: A Dragon Ball Alternate Story once was when he is a child) who love to fight stronger enemies and they are Saiyans. Unlike Goku from Dragon Ball who are potrayed as classical heroic, kind-hearted, compassionate idiotic martial artist, Goku from Demon Hunter Goku: A Dragon Ball Alternate Story are portrayed as anti-heroic, stoic, cold hearted but loyal highly experienced demon hunter who sought revenge for demons after Grandpa Gohan died at the hands of Cooler and demons, which was his biggest hatred towards them.
- Cool Bike:
- Cool Car:
- Cool Sword:
- The Corruption:
- Crazy-Prepared:
- Curb-Stomp Battle:
- Dark And Troubled Past: Notably happened in both Age 756 and Age 761:
- His adoptive grandfather was sadly killed by Cooler in a cold-blooded way when he was nineteen years old to the extreme point that he sought revenge, anger and hatred towards Cooler and demons. Even worse in the Massacre of Frypan City, he was brutally scarred in his right eye a month later and three days after he and Chi-Chi are married. This triggered his traumatic berserk and cause a bloodlust on demons in a very painful way possible, and as a result, he painfully transformed into Dark Gryphon that cause him to lose control.
- His biological grandfather sadly died fighting against demons during his trials with Raijin. This resorts Goku to join the Demon Hunter Organization after learning his biological grandfather’s death at the hands of demons.
- Dark is Not Evil:
- Deadpan Snarker:
- Death Seeker:
- Defrosting Ice King:
- Determinator:
- Distinguishing Mark:
- Don’t You Dare Pity Me!:
- The Dreaded:
- Earn your Happy Ending:
- Easily Forgiven:
- Electronic Eyes:
- Elemental Eye Colors:
- Empowered Badass Normal:
- Enraged by Idiocy:
- Expy:
- Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse:
- Friend to All Children:
- Friend to All Living Things:
- Full Moon Silhouette:
- Genius Bruiser:
- Get Out!:
- Glowing Eyes of Doom:
- Good Eyes, Evil Eyes:
- Good Is Not Soft:
- The Hero:
- Heroic BSoD:
- Heroic Build:
- Heroic Second Wind:
- Hidden Heart of Gold:
- Humble Hero:
- Hunk:
- I Work Alone:
- Ideal Hero:
- I'm Not Afraid of You:
- Immortal Hero:
- It's Personal:
- Katanas Are Just Better:
- The Leader:
- Leeroy Jenkins:
- Lightning Bruiser:
- Limit Break:
- Lineage Comes from the Father:
- Made of Iron:
- Master Swordsman:
- Mr. Fanservice:
- Muscles Are Meaningful:
- My Name Is Inigo Montoya:
- Never Hurt an Innocent:
- Nice Guy:
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero:
- "No More Holding Back" Speech:
- No-Nonsense Nemesis:
- No Sympathy for Grudgeholders:
- Not So Above It All:
- One-Man Army:
- One True Love:
- One-Winged Angel:
- Painful Transformation:
- Papa Wolf:
- Power Incontinence:
- Pre-Asskicking One-Liner:
- Rage Breaking Point:
- Reincarnation:
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Goku does that three times: first, his wife Chi-Chi, then his worst enemy Cooler, and now Frieza.
- With Chi-Chi: Combined with Armor-Piercing Question. Happened in Age 761. When Chi-Chi begs Goku not to fight against demons in the future with Gohan, the cold-hearted Goku explodes furiously and berated her for lacking encouragement as he questions the latter’s constant nagging and overbearing behavior.
- Goku: “You don't know what it's like to be a father, Chi-Chi! You don't know what it's like to see your son being targeted by demons, to know that you have to do everything in your power to protect him!? (furiously) GIVE ME A DAMN BREAK, CHI-CHI! You're always nagging at me, always telling me how I'm not doing enough to protect our family! But have you ever stopped to think that maybe I'm doing the best I can? Maybe I'm trying to keep our son alive in a world where demons are constantly trying to kill him! (harshly and angrily) You have no idea how hard it is for me to balance being a father and a Demon Hunter! I have to train Gohan, protect him from demons, and keep him safe all while dealing with your constant nagging and doubts! You need to trust me, Chi-Chi. Trust that I know what I'm doing, trust that I can protect our family. Stop doubting me all the time, and stop acting like I'm fucking incapable of doing my job!”
- Chi-Chi: (tearfully) “I-I'm sorry, Goku...I just... I can't help it. I'm so scared all the time, scared that something will happen to Gohan or to you. I don't want to lose either of you...”
- Goku: (strictly) I don't want to hear any more excuses, Chi-Chi. I need you to stop doubting me and start supporting me. I need your encouragement, not your constant criticism and nagging. I'm doing everything I can to protect our family, and I need you to have faith in me. (harshly) Are YOU willing to support us into fighting against demons?! You decide!”
- With Cooler:
- With Frieza:
- With Chi-Chi: Combined with Armor-Piercing Question. Happened in Age 761. When Chi-Chi begs Goku not to fight against demons in the future with Gohan, the cold-hearted Goku explodes furiously and berated her for lacking encouragement as he questions the latter’s constant nagging and overbearing behavior.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning:
- Red Hot Masculinity:
- Red Is Heroic:
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Goku is the blue oni (stoic, level-headed and stern) to Chi-Chi’s red oni (energetic, bubbly and cheerful).
- Red String of Fate:
- Revenge Before Reason:
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge:
- Rousing Speech:
- Scars are Forever:
- Shock and Awe:
- The Smart Guy:
- The Stoic:
- Superpowered Evil Side:
- This Is Unforgivable!:
- Unstoppable Rage:
- Winged Human: Alluded to his Dark Gryphon form.
- Wooden Katanas Are Even Better:
The heroic main protagonist of the spin-off series. The mortal incarnation of the Ancient Light Gryphon, Jophiel. The only daughter of the Ox-King and Ox-Queen and the childhood friend of Goku (who later becomes her husband), Vegeta and Raditz. Chi-Chi is a current princess of the Fire Mountain, also known as Frypan City. From shy child to cheeful and kindhearted wife of Goku, Chi-Chi is the heart of the four and is the voice of reason due to her angelic and gentle voice. Like Goku, she expressed hatred towards demons after the massacre of her home city, Frypan City that motivated her to grow stronger to support Goku and Vegeta in battle against demons. Slightly hot-headed, she is protectful towards her family and friends in a good ways as she had two goddess by her side: the sun goddess Amaterasu and the life goddess Hanasakuya.
Voiced by: Naoko Watanabe (Japanese; Speaking), Mayumi Gojo (Japanese; Singing), Cynthia Cranz (English; Adulthood; Speaking), Brittany Lauda (English; Childhood; Speaking), AmaLee (English; Singing)
- Ability Mixing:
- Action Hero:
- Action Mom:
- Adaptational Badass:
- Adaptational Heroism:
- All-Loving Hero:
- Badass Adorable:
- Badass Family:
- Beware the Nice Ones:
- Big Good:
- Breakout Character:
- Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl:
- Character Development:
- Childhood Friend Romance:
- The Cutie:
- Cute Bruiser:
- Dark And Troubled Past:
- Elemental Eye Colors:
- Genki Girl:
- Good Wears White:
- The Heart:
- Hime Cut:
- Hope Bringer:
- Idiot Hero:
- The Ingenue:
- Innocent Flower Girl:
- Light Is Good:
- Mama Bear:
- Pre-Asskicking One-Liner:
- Rage Breaking Point:
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Chi-Chi is the red oni (energetic, bubbly and cheerful) to Goku’s blue oni (stoic, level-headed and stern).
- Red String of Fate:
- Reincarnation:
- Revenge Before Reason:
- Rousing Speech:
- Solar and Lunar:
- Supernatural Gold Eyes:
- Valkryies:
- White Is Pure:
- Winged Human:
- Yellow Is Cheerful:
Vegeta / Vegeta IV[]
The main deuteragonist of the spin-off series. The descendant of Vegeta I, and the indirect descendant of Kakarot, Leganon, Narmis, and Prika. The first son of demon hunter King Vegeta and doctor Eschalot, the older brother of Tarble and the childhood friend of Goku, Raditz and Chi-Chi. Born as Vegeta IV, Vegeta is the current prince of the Saiyans who express deep hatred towards Frieza for all the abuse he caused to his race, before he and his entire race escaped all the way to Earth. Vegeta was fascinated by the stories of his and Goku’s ancestors, Ruccollo and his Were-Ōzaru. From the Prince of the Saiyans to Demon Hunter, Vegeta is the lancer of the four as he has two gods by his side, the war god Kratos and the sea god Suijin.
Voiced by: Ryō Horikawa (Japanese), Christopher Sabat (English; Adulthood), Justin Briner (English; Childhood)
- Ability Mixing:
- Action Dad:
- Action Hero:
- Adaptational Badass:
- Adaptational Nice Guy:
- All-Loving Hero:
- Aloof Big Brother:
- Ancestral Name:
- Anti-Hero:
- The Anti-Nihilist:
- Berserk Button:
- Big Good:
- Blue Is Heroic:
- Breakout Character:
- Character Development:
- Cool Sword:
- Creepy Blue Eyes:
- Elemental Eye Colors:
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold:
- The Lancer:
- Making a Splash:
- Painful Transformation:
- Pre-Asskicking One-Liner:
- Rage Breaking Point:
- Unstoppable Rage:
The main tritagonist of the spin-off series. The descendant of Kakarot, and the indirect descendant of Vegeta I, Leganon, Narmis, and Prika. The second son of renowned demon hunter Bardock and scientist Gine, younger brother of Turles, older brother of Kumara, Goku, Ruta and Tursa and the childhood friend of Vegeta and Chi-Chi. Like Goku, Raditz is a demon hunter who shared the legacy of his ancestor, Kakarot with his younger brother regarding in the battle or in his private time. He often understands his younger brother’s deep hatred towards demons as he knows that it’s about both freedom and revenge. Raditz is the lancer of the four as he has two gods by his side, the moon god Tsukuyomi and the time god Chronos.
Voiced by: Shigeru Chiba (Japanese), Justin Cook (English)
- Ability Mixing:
- Action Dad:
- Action Hero:
- Adaptational Badass:
- Adaptational Nice Guy:
- The Anti-Nihilist:
- Berserk Button:
- Big Good:
- Character Development:
- The Lancer:
- Lunacy:
- Solar and Lunar: