Digimon Music Popstars! (デジモンミュージックポップスター!Dejimon: Ongaku Poppu-Hoshi) is a season in Digimon and a new Series to the Digimon Franchise. It was produced first by Japan and then gave it America as it was a little more popular in America. On Jan. 3 2011, Japan started to Dub and help produce more of the series as it was getting high demand from Japanese. This series is also produced in Italy and China and parts of Brazil. It features music from popular music stars of not just america but Japan and Latin Stars plus British singers.
Digidestines (Popstar Idols)/Digimon/Song[]
- Stella - |Marbamon| - |S&M(Sugar & Money)|
- Meghan - |Chrystasylmon| - |Forget You!|
- Kristie - |Bubblegopmon| - |Toxic|
- Bonnie - |Sharemon| - |Wide Awake|
- LaShwanna - |Momomon| - |Super Bass|
- Zoey - |Fiskmon| - |Born This Way|
- Brian - |Gizzamon| - |One Time|
- Nicholas - |Bangmon| - |Party Rock Anthem|
- Robbie - |Jerimon| - |Moves Like Jagger|
Next Level Song Powers[]
- Disturbia
- Fool For You!
- Womanizer
- E.T.
- Stupid Hoe (Stupid Hoo)
- Judas
- Mistletoe
- Sexy & I Know It (Perfect & I Know It)
- Set Fire to Rain