Anime Fanon
Epic Rage Guy
Format Comedy, Slice of Life
Created by Mordecai Kelly (Kelly Sinaga's stagename.)
Writer(s) Mika Takaiyama
Director(s) Yusuke Hakatsu
No. of episodes 32 (in progress)
Run time 30 minutes per episode
English Network Right Stuf Network (at the Animagic block which airs around midnight), Totally Anime Channel (airs around primetime and in the morning)
First aired March 1, 2012
Last aired unknown


An Epic Rage Guy bumper on Right Stuf Network


Minatsuki Aitoku was a normal junior-highschooler. When she discovered a new student called Derpina Derpington, with her twin brother Derp Derpington, exchange student and Star Trek fan Kiruku Mikoi, Anti-Bullying Club president Saitou Kazuma, and sophomore students Mitsui Tsunaishi and Akina Ichitose. They experience weird, thrilling, and humorous events everyday, in the fictional town of Sanakutsumi in Akita Prefecture.


See also: List of Epic Rage Guy episodes

Openings and Endings[]

  • "The Lighter Effect" by NSIG (S1)
  • "Strobe Lights" by Miku Hatsune (S1)

Future Endings and Openings TBA.


  • Kiruku is a Star Trek fan.
  • In Episode 3, a Suntory product ad was shown in 12:45, near the otaku store.
  • Derpina was actually designed with long hair, but Kelly cancelled this.
  • Some trolls/anons made yuri photos of Natsumi and Derpina. When Kai heard this, anons cannot post yuri images anymore to the Epic Rage Guy official site.
  • Kiruku's iPhone password is "2012" which is revealed in Ep.8. This is also the creator's iPhone password.